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Electrical Calculator - Freeware

Makes Electrical Calculation Quicker and Saves You Time

Selecting overload protection and wires for transformers involves number of rules that change with transformer size, type, and placement of the overload protection. This calculator helps determine the current values on both sides of the transformer, and estimates available short circuit current. Download.

Electrical Calculator


Quickly calculate; Power, Voltage, Current, and Power Factor. Estimate the maximum available short circuit current at transformer terminals.


Enter values using mouse or keyboard in any sequence you like, current for a given power, or vice versa.

Easy to use

Does not require manual. All terms and definitions explained on screen. Built-in Typical Code multipliers. Built-in minimum allowed transformer impedance values.


Customer Reviews

"Electrical Calculator is a simple, useful and effective application worth having when you need to quickly calculate and estimate available short circuits. Specially intended for electrical engineers and contractors, Electrical Calculator enables you to perform various calculations and determine the values on both sides of the transformer. The application comes with a user-friendly interface and enables you to change the primary voltage and current as you prefer, then quickly view all the generated results." – Softpedia Review

"Underground Cable Ampacity is a handy application designed to enable you to find the allowable ampacity for underground cable configurations by looking at the tables and diagrams of the Canadian Electrical Code. Using this underground cable ampacity calculator you will be done in a minute. It will save you hours in a year, and most importantly it will reduce the chance of making an error." – Softpedia Review

"Electrical Calculator proves to be a useful and reliable application whose main purpose is to provide electrical engineers with the right tools when calculating the transformer primary and secondary current, protection and selecting downstream equipment interrupting capacity rating. "– Softpedia Review

"NEC Ampacity Calculator is an efficient piece of software ... dedicated to users that need to often look-up NEC tables and apply correction factors." – Softpedia Review