This application, revised to meet 2020 NEC and 2021 CEC, provides voltage drop calculations in accordance with the US National Electrical Code Tables 9 and 8 for AC and DC feeders. Colour coding of maximum allowable ampacity (at different ambient temperatures) in accordance with US and Canadian codes - helps choose the correct wire size. Full Load Amperes for typical motors are built-in. The calculator estimates feeder operating temperature and allows for setting the feeder resistance values closer to the operating temperature and see the effect on the voltage drop. For wires or cables different than listed in Table 9 space is provided to facilitate calculation using manufacturer provided parameters.
Voltage drop equals energy loss. With rising cost of electricity you may find the "Feeder Efficiency Tip" useful. It informs when it may be beneficial to increase wire size above the minimum required by codes. Download.
Helps select proper wire size by colour coding while taking insulation rating and ambient temperature into account. Produces calculation report for record. Estimates full load current of motors based on Horse Power rating.
Enter and modify values in any sequence, use metric or imperial units, AC and DC. Calculates on the fly. Paste results to any text application or spreadsheet. Displays DC voltage drop for comparison with AC. Has built-in wire ampacity tables for US and Canada.
All terms and definitions are explained on screen. No manual required.
Specifies conductor parameters used in calculation, which is useful for verification. Has spaces for calculation with cable manufacturer parameters.